Friday 29 February 2008


I'm feeling so so tired right now and my brain is feeling so so numbed! The rountine of working more than 12 hours a day 7 days a week is killing me. It is so frustrating and depressing.
I can't wait when I can have a nice glass of wine and just relax with the good companion of mine, when there is no worries, no constraints what so ever! Being trapped in a room working like this everyday is driving me crazy and I can feel that the monster depression is coming back for me!
I am so worried that it might take more than a few days to recover from my wisdom teeth operation on next Friday, as we have this construction mangement project due the Friday after. It is obvious that I will have to drag myself into uni to work on that however crappy I feel that week as I can't not have any input into the project. The whole group will just get pissed off with me and some of them are probably already pretty annoyed with me already! I am sorry that I don't get into uni until 10am, I just feel too tired every morning and cannot get up!
This whole group work shit is really doing my head in and I assure you that I will be able to work with any people with any personalities after these couple of years! I am losing it! I compromise everyday! I get more and more scared everyday to put my ideas across as I have lost faith in myself. I believe that I am shit and useless. I'd rather sit back and let the rest of them decide what they want to do and I would just work alongside with them, because I don't think I am good enough.
For the past couple of weeks, I feel like shit! I feel like I can burst into tears in any minutes, I fee like I will explode in any seconds. I am so depressed and desperate!
One of the most hopeless feelings in the world is when you have to go on doing something that you really hate!

Saturday 23 February 2008

God damn it! Get me outta here!!!

Liverpool 2008 European City of Culture 一點兒也感覺不到 Culture 去了那裡

求求其其整幾個show整幾個大燈排整幾個shopping mall然後放番條high street入去

You call this the City of Culture? please...

係 冇錯Tuner Prize係喺 Liverpool Tate 度展覽

但我覺得立例: 不准任何人於公眾場所穿著 tracksuit, 吐痰 比較實際

那整個 City 就已經好看得多啦! What a waste of time...

I am so bored and sick of this place! City of Culture! I can see it becoming more like a city, but I see no culture here what so ever!

When can I leave? This is driving me crazy! I've been feeling like I've been in prison! Give me my life back! damn you, Liverpool and Architecture!!!


在某個角落裡 我是多麼的孤單



Tuesday 8 January 2008


2007 大回顧還未有空閒來個結算便已經到了2008
不知何時開始發覺寫Blog原來是多麼寂寞孤清的一回事 越寫越傷感
大抵經過06年車禍死過番生 也沒有甚麼快樂不快樂
只求活得健健康康 愛的所有人平平安安就好了
其餘的都變得不太重要 我想是看化了吧
我變了 定了 並不只是因為有了穩定的感情關係 (what everyone assumes)
人真的大了 時間行得越來越快
車禍暈到前一刻 只在想"我還有很多事還未做..."
意外令我真的體會到"Life is short"
也許是真是玩夠吧 老實說 5年後就30歲了 仲玩? 冇野呀?
以後有冇飯開就看這幾年咯~ 所以過去一年我真的很勤力很努力

Here are some pictures from Christmas and New Year! 未來幾年要撐着 捱出個明天!!! :)

1> Christmas tree bought by Stu and shit loads of presents under the tree!!!
2> Presents from Stu: Nintendo DS with games, DVDs, stocking with my fav. sweets and chocolate and a mango! haha!
3> Nescafe Gusto from Stu! so I can have Latte, Espresso and Chocochino at home! hehe!
4-5> Christmas eve dinner with Stu @ Circo, Albert Dock (a new circus theme bar & restaurant) We had Surf & Turf (min. for 2 person) - the lobster and the steaks were very good! the best were the bourbon glazed shrimps! lush! The service was spot on! and I have to mention that the free popcorn that they were giving away while we were having our cocktails at the bar was so cool! it totally goes with the whole circus theme! very thoughtful detail!
6-7> Christmas Lunch at Stu's house in Wallasey! The turkey was huge! so nice! and I just love the special mushroom garvy that Stu's dad makes!

Tuesday 18 December 2007


是不是女生都喜歡羅曼蒂克的情節 還是我們都只是貪婪得一想二的普通人?

Friday 7 December 2007


Been working hard! my contemporary English country house! is nearly there!

Finally created my own flickr account! it's so hard to use! so confusing!!!

Monday 3 December 2007


新留海。新style。新Laptop。新A3 printer。新生活

新的很多 突然開始想舊的

一年過了 沒寫中文一年了 很多人也沒見至少一年了

這陣子特別想家。想 從家看出去那海景。

想 香港熱死人潮濕天氣。想 香港shopping mall凍死人冷氣

想 香港靚暈人夜景。想 香港人的沒文化你推我撞!!



過去夜夜笙歌的日子變得很遠 忘了究竟有咩gum好玩

現在擔心不適應之如又擔心 Stu 如何 fit in? 唱K 猜拳 接見親朋烕友

麻煩各位學好英語 多多練習 不然我唯有不斷帶他落籣桂芳勁蒲!! (哈!)

原來我的中文還好吧~ 畢竟我曾經是一個香港妹!